PR & Communications

As your business partner, we can help you to strategically achieve your goals.


Make a powerful impact on positioning your company/brand within the Mexican/Latam market through strategic media efforts, resulting in: 


Drive brand awareness and captivate the attention of potential customers,
ultimately leading to the acquisition of new direct clients.


Secure market support and foster new business opportunities by establishing
your company/brand as a trusted and influential player within the industry.


Enhance the reputation of your company spokespersons by establishing them as distinguished authorities within the Mexican industry.

Maximize exposure to position them as vital contributors to the ongoing
discussions and developments within the Mexican and Latin American

Create a powerful and favorable public image that will significantly heighten awareness of your company and its brands, resulting in increased sales leads.

Effectively promote your brands to a wide range of media outlets, digital
platforms, and influential figures, ensuring coverage of the specific content and initiatives outlined by your management team.

Cultivate enduring relationships with media outlets, influencers, and opinion leaders, thereby bolstering the company’s standing and relevance within the industry.

Implement PR strategies designed to garner extensive media coverage and exposure for your company and brands, focusing on earning valuable publicity without incurring additional costs.


Media training for spokesperson/s

For effective engagement across various platforms, including radio, TV, and digital media.

Zoom OOO

Exclusive junkets with talent for top-tier consumer and trade outlets.

Press Release

Service media releases to both mainstream and niche outlets, maximizing
coverage and reach.


  • Monthly Clipping Report with analysis with PR Value (X3)
  • Monthly Social Media Report
  • Media crisis manual development (includes planning session and development, routes and process)
  • Key Messages
  • Q&A
  • Media Releases
  • Media Training
  • Talking Points
  • Remarks
  • Brief for  spokespersons
  • Phoners /Interviews
  • Coordinate Seedings (Merchandising/premiums)
  • Media crisis prevention and management
  • Pitch interviews and special exclusives with top media
  • Features and stories
  • Track the advertising barters and coordination with Marketing and Sales areas.


Tailored Services

Support All Lines of Business (LOBs)

Media training / Crisis management.
Key messages / Talking points.

Clear KPI´s & Metrics

Report with analysis,
clipping including a ROI PR Value (X3)

Social Media Strategy & Management


LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Extensive Media Database

Consumer and Niche  Outlets.
Trade Industry.
Media Pitch + Features Editors.


More Services

» Media training.
» Clipping report with analysis with PR value (3X).
» Media junkets (zoom or presential).
» Phoners / Interviews.
» Coordinate seedings (merchandising / premiums).

» Media crisis prevention and management.
» Pitch interviews and special exclusives with top media.
» Features and stories.
» Track the advertising barters and coordination with marketing and sales areas.


Our Clients

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